Sunday, October 4, 2009

Sisterly Love

Grace and Reagan are both taken with each other. They want to do everything together. I hope it stays this way as they get older.

Grace is always trying to get into Reagan's room to "check" on her. Every time Grace "checks" on Reagan she some how gets woken up!

As you might have guessed, our hands are full! But we would not have it any other way!

Reagan update

Reagan is now starting to crawl. She can pull up to her knees. All she needs to do is learn to move her legs and arms at the same time.

We found out this past week Reagan loves sunglasses. She has light blue eyes. I guess the sun is really bright for her! Doesn't she look too cute!

Finally, not only are we sitting up on our own, she can now put herself into a seated position without any help!

The Flu!

Brett and I have both had the flu! Mississippi is no longer testing to see if it is the H1N1 or the Regular Flu. But is was AWFUL! I was home sick for a week. Brett got it from me about half way through the week. We were lucky that Brett's mom came down to watch the girls while we were sick. I hope we do not get this again!!! We are now much better!


We got the Mississippi Bar results on September 17th! Brett PASSED! I am so proud of Brett! Watching one of his dreams come true is such an honor and a blessing. Brett had several forms that had to be retyped because the state of Mississippi does not have blank forms on the interent. Mississippi get with's 2009...upload the forms! Grace and Reagan had a blast playing while we got the forms ready! Now we have a new goal....getting a full time legal job! We hope to hear something this week...The Government takes FOREVER!