Tuesday, November 13, 2012

TV time

In the morning, as soon as the sun is up (for real), the girls are coming to our room asking if we can turn on the cartoons. Most morning Brett uses the girls as his alarm clock and begins getting ready for his day. He is even sweet enough to turn the cartoons on and allows me about 20 more minutes of sleep. I really think he allows me to sleep longer for him as much for me because when I do not get my sleep I can be a bear! The girls were ready to get dressed this morning because they wanted to wear their new boots. However, Greer and I are still in pjs. We will change before we leave the house, I promise!

Greer decided she need her jacket over her pjs. 

Kisses for Daddy

I love being at home with the girls and the girls love it just as much, but there is nothing they love more than their daddy.  And who can blame them, I love him too!

Sisterly Love

I tried to get a picture of the girls in front of the tree and this is what unfolded. Got to love it!

Is it too early for the tree?

Brett loves Christmas time.  He really loves to have the tree up and the light on.  Who can blame him, but isn't the first week of November a little too early?  Not according to Brett, I have even gone to his office and put his tree up there.  The tree is not as put together, I think, has years past but that is because we had three ever eager helpers.  They loved it.  I will put up a video later if I can figure out how to do it.


Thursday, November 8, 2012

I'm losing it!

Have you ever had the days were you feel like all you have done it yell and scream only to feel terrible all night for your behavior.  When I first started staying home full time with our girls this was me everyday.  I even asked Brett if we had made the right decision about me staying home with the girls.  I know that no one can raise our girls they way we want them to be raised better then us, while other than God.  But screaming at my children is NOT what I wanted nor is it what they deserve. 
One on my nightly routines is to read blogs of people I know and people I have found and feel like I know.  One of these blogs is Kelly's Korner. http://www.kellyskornerblog.com/
I do not know Kelly, but I feel like I do.  I was on bed rest when I was pregnant with Grace and my sister-in-law told me about blogging and thought it would be a great way to help pass the time.  I happened upon her blog when she had her first daughter Harper and things did not start as planned.  I have prayed so hard for Harper and her family and continue to follow them on her blog. 
Just about the time I has fed up with all the screaming, Kelly introduced this book on her blog.  She was having some of the same issues.  At first I just thought it would be great to one day read this book.  Then I noticed that every time we would go to Target Brett would ask if I wanted to find a book to read.  It was like he knew.  It took about two weeks or so and I finally broken down and told him how I was feeling.  It is so crazy how much better I felt just letting Brett know, like he did not know already. HA!  So then I decided I was going to try and find this book and give it a try.  Being a mom of three it is taking longer than normal to get through the book, but it is great. 
I find myself thinking back to how I have handled or not handled certain situations and how I should have handled them.  I have always looked up to my grandmother, Mimi.  I have loved the way she carries herself whether it is in a everyday conversation or a problem that someone is seeking her Godly wisdom.  I have always wanted to be that kind of person and yet I am here screaming at my own children.  Well, I am making progress!  I am learning how to handle all kinds of situations by learning how to turn to God during the situations.  Unglued is fabulous and if you are looking for a new bible study or if you just wanted to learn how to have more peace by turning to the King of Peace this is the book for you.
Unglued: Making Wise Choices in the Midst of Raw Emotions

Wordless Wednesday

A day late

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Happy Birthday Tay-Tay

We want to send out a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to My Tay-Tay.  Reagan now calls you Taylor because you are officially a big girl to her now that you are away at college.  hahaha
Sadly this is the most current picture I have of you on my computer. 



Last spring was the girls first time to play a sport, of course we decided in soccer.  They were team black.  Reagan mainly cried and would only play if her coach would hold her hand.  We have improved since then.  This fall we are the Green Monsters.  Brett and Scott, Marley's dad, were the coaches.  The girls really played this go round and even scored a goal or two, even it was for in the other teams goal.  We are making progress. 

Last Day of Daycare and Grace's Graduation

Well back in May we said goodbye to daycare and started a new adventure of staying home with mama.  We've had a blast.  I am loving every minute of it and I am truly thankful that Brett has allowed me to have my dream job!  Don't get me wrong there are hard days and in the beginning I wondered if we had made the wrong decision, we didn't!  the last day of daycare was also Grace's graduation day.  We loved the teachers at Little Acorns and miss them dearly.  Ms. April, Grace's teacher, babysits the girls from time to time.  And we just ran into Reagan's favorite teacher, Mrs. Emma the other day at Wal-Mart.  I thought Reagan was going to cry.  We were lucky enough to stay on the daycare's drop-in list and the girls love to visit every once in a while.  I still cannot believe that Grace will be start school next year.  Where does the time go, I am not ready! 


Swimming is one of the girls favorite things to do and when we moved having a swimming pool was a must.  Brett and I really did not want one in the backyard, right now.  So we wanted a neighborhood that had a community pool and that is what we got!  It has been a great way to meet other families with children our girls age and of course a great way to get the girls good and tired!  I get asked at least once a day by ALL children if we can go swimming, rain or shine.  In the summer this was great but they do not understand that colder weather means not more swimming until it is summer again. As you can see in the pictures, the girls got really brave in the water and we could not be more proud of them.

Rice and Beans

Being at home has been a great blessing to our family. But with all new things comes changes. I remember as a teacher I dreaded rainy days because the children were wild and there was not where to take them to get their energy out. Well, surprise, we have the same issue at home. However, I have come up will some creative ways to entertain the girls and I know that I will have to come up with several more as cold weather comes our way. Right now one of the girls favorite things to do is to play with bowls or rice and beans with spoons and measuring cups. They have a blast!