Saturday, June 20, 2009

Shout Out to Emma (aka Ma)

We will be bringing Tay-Tay back home and Grace is trying to setup a playdate with her cousin, Emma. We hope to see you soon!

Reagan's Talking

Listen to just how vocal Reagan has gotten. (Please do not pay any attention to my voice or my sister's voice!)

Busy Two Weeks

The past two weeks have been very busy. First I had to take Reagan for her four month check-up and shots. She now weighs in at 11 pounds. The doctor is a little concerned with her slow growth rate so we will continue to have weight check-ins. We will be going every two weeks to check her progress. She did great with her shots. Of course she screamed but the second I picked her up she stopped. Shots are the worst because they never see it coming!

After her doctor’s visit we were given the okay to start eating rice cereal. Reagan took to the rice just as sister Grace…she hates it! So we decided to go straight to the baby food. This process is very slow going. I am not sure if it is similar to introducing Grace or not? I am just ready for Reagan to get the hang of it!

One night last week Rob and Maria came over for dinner. I love when they come over. We have so much fun. Soon after they came over Grace was ready for bed. This is rare when Rob is over Grace usually stays up until they leave but not this night. Before they left we decided to check in on her and this is what we found.

What else can I say that these pictures do not?

Grace was recently moved up to toddler room A so we were given all of her art work from her old room, infant room B. I decided to display her art work in the kitchen. My dad put up a clear plastic board to keep our dog, Fergie, off of the blinds. So this was a great spot to put up the art work. Grace loves her art work!

Reagan has really become very active lately. She is now rolling from her stomach to back and from her back to stomach. She is also starting to spend time in the exersaucer. Grace loves to play with her in the exersaucer and Reagan loves any attention she gets from her big sister.

Along with becoming more active she is becoming more vocal. She will let you know real fast that she is unhappy and you need to do something. Her teachers call her Miss Diva! And let me tell you the name is fitting.
And the biggest thing this week has been our visitor, Taylor. Yes, she still comes for her week long visit every summer. I hope this never ends. I guess when she gets married in 20 years or longer and husband will be welcomed as well. Grace has loved it the most I think. Everyone knows that Grace was moved to a “Big Girl” bed and now Tay-Tay is sleeping in the bed with her. I think it’s going to be bad when Tay-Tay leaves. Taylor and I spent yesterday shopping. Surprise we spent more money on the two girls then anyone else! I love the sister tradition! Maybe one day we can go on sister trip with Emory, our sister-in-law and mom? New York comes to mind! What do ya’ll think? Of course mom should pay!
Show me your teeth. Grace has a mouth full and now she will show them to you! Too cute!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Hand, Foot, Mouth...What?

Okay so after all the hard work I thought we were going to get a great nights sleep. I mean Grace was ready for bed1 at 6:30 but I was able to hold her off until 7 p.m. Then around 12:30 in the morning she woke up screaming. I took her temperature because she was so hot, it was 103.5! All I could think was, she was fine just hours before. I ended up sleeping in the bed with her while Brett stayed in our room and took care of Reagan. We got little if any sleep and I made sure to give her medicine through the night.

Needless to say we did not make it to church, we went to the doctor instead! Everything looked great except for her throat. So she had a strep test done, they are as fun as shots!!! It came back negative. The doctor said that Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease has been going around. She said 6 other children she saw today had it. So she sent us home with some medicine that numbs the throat. There is nothing else that can be done, it has to run it course, which is anywhere from a week to 10 days. Grace has done great. She is starting to get some energy back but mainly she just wants mama to hold her!

Reagan will be going to daycare a few days this week. I just want to do everything we can to make sure she does not get this from Grace.


Brett took a much needed break from studying on Saturday. However, he did not rest. He spent time in the yard. Around lunch time he came in and declared that we needed trees in the backyard. So off we went to the store. We came home with two Crape Myrtles and one Dogwood. We decided to get trees with color!

Grace even got into working in the yard.

While Brett and Grace did all the work, Reagan and I just supervised! I think we did a great job.

Friday, June 5, 2009

The Office

So I decided to jump on the wagon and show-off our house. I am very proud of what Brett and I have been able to do the past three years with our house. I believe we have really made it feel like home. So today is the office...soon to be Reagan's room! Maybe!? I just cannot seen to ever be ready to move her out of our room.

This is where Brett has spent most of the last three years...studying. We also pay bills and surf the net from this desk. If you look closely all of the pictures are from the Civil War. Brett loves history and the Civil War is the most interesting to him. He has a great view of the back patio from the desk. He can look out and see Grace swimming or swinging while he is working.

My mom and dad saw that we were going to be in need of some bookshelves about one semester into law school. They were right! This bookcase is now full of all of Brett's books. He was able to save one shelf for Grace. She loves to play in the office while her daddy studies or works. (If you look closely you can see the head of our dog - Fergie.)

Brett is currently taking a course the helps review for the BAR EXAM. The eight weeks class has 10 books. Poor Brett, this will soon also be a thing of the past.

Finally, our running joke. We both went to The University of Memphis, somehow I was the only one to get a framed diploma. I would always remind Brett that he too would have one to hang up in our office one day. In about 3 more weeks his Law School diploma will be here and I am sure on the wall.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Grace has really started to take an interest in Reagan. Just the other day she started to ask to hold her. As long as one of us is next to her we usually let her. They are just too cute together.

Grace's new favorite thing

Now that I am out of school Grace will be staying home at least 2 days a week. Reagan will be staying everyday unless I really need to get things done. So I came up with a few things for us to do. Grace loves to finger paint and we do this almost daily. I will get some pictures soon. But her favorite thing is to swim. Fergie thinks the pool is for him as well and Grace does not mind. He taught her how to drink from the pool...I hope she quickly forgets that trick.

Grace's First Haircut

Like most babies the hair in the back grows much faster than the rest of the hair, so Grace was do for a hair cut to even things up. Like I said in the earlier post she did great. I only got a few pictures because she was in my lap.

The Big Day - Law School Graduation

Yes, WE are finally done...well almost..WE still have to pass the bar. Brett has worked very hard for the past three years and it paid off. He graduated. The girls and I could not be happier or more proud of Brett. Now all that is left is Barbri and the Bar. It takes up just as much if not more time than law school did. Please keep Brett and his classmates in your prayers to help guide them through their final steps to being lawyers! The graduation was beautiful. Brett and I had a great time after at the reception speaking with several of his professors and the Dean...too bad not everyone stayed for the meet and greet. But we had everyone over for desert later that afternoon. The last three years have flown by...I just cannot help but wonder what the years to come have in store.

Catch up time... by now we all should know that I cannot handle being a mom, wife, teacher, home maker, and weekly blogger. But school is out and I will be doing much better. I hope! Grace is cutting 6-8 teeth as we speak. So you guessed it, life is full of screaming around here. I feel so bad, but there is nothing I can do but give her medicine, which I do for every one's sanity. Reagan is growing leaps and bounds. She is smiling and talking whenever she can be heard over her loud sister. She is starting to sit in the bumbo seat. She is getting lots of tummy time, she really does not like it. We had a blast Memorial Weekend, I have no pictures sorry! The water was too cold to get in but Grace loves to swim, I cannot wait for it to get warmer. Oh, I took Grace last week to get her first hair cut. She did great and looks too cute. Each day it is like she is turning into a "Big Girl" before our eyes and there is nothing we can do about it. I asked Maria to come over a few weeks ago to take some pictures of the girls and one of the whole family. She is great...We love the pictures. She was able to edit a few together we all looked great. Thanks Maria!!! Now what everyone is really waiting for...PICTURES!!