Monday, June 20, 2011

3 babies leaves very little blog time...well at least for this mommy!

I will make my words short and sweet. Everyone is GREAT!
Grace is turning into a social butterfly. I just she has quickly learned that is one way to get attention when you are one of three. She has some of the funniest saying and has perfect timing i.e. so she will not get in trouble or when she wants something!

Reagan is really taking on her new role as a big sister. She know where Madison Greer is at all times. She also misses being the "baby" so I make time for her either in the morning or at night for just her.

Madison Greer is getting bigger by the minute. We go tomorrow for her 4 month check-up. She is rolling over from tummy to back and back to tummy. She talks non-stop, especially to her sisters. She loves her bumbo seat. Most nights she is a great sleeper!

We have been having a great summer. Grace and Reagan go to daycare on water days, if they want to. For the most part I have all my girls with me everyday. I love it! We recently became members of the Children's Museum. The girls think we should go everyday. They already know the days that they are closed!

We have a pool in the backyard, so if you do not see us out and about we are most likely in the pool. Note to self, next house needs a pool!

Oh, one last thing! (Tay's Favorite) We got a VAN! You knew anyone could get so excited about a van but this mommy sure is!

Monday, March 28, 2011


Brett and I finally got "grown-up" furniture. We had hand me downs from the time we got married.

A few years ago we got the couch of my turned out to be a nightmare. We got a couch from Norwalk, I also wanted one from there, but they are very pricey. Brett finally gave in, I now wish I would have listened to his advice! This $2,500 couch is worthless. We had to get the cushions replaced over 5 times and they were never fixed. Each time I asked for a new couch because I thought the problem was really with the frame. They would not even think about that idea even though the couch comes with a lifetime warranty and the problem was first reported within a few weeks! Finally, I just gave up! So word of advice - do NOT buy NORWALK!!!!!

Our NEW couch!

Daddy's chair

Mommy's Chair We got out new furniture from MisKelly's.

There are NO words!

She was helping with the laundry.


Grace and Reagan had to make sure Greer knew how her new toy worked!

I believe she loved it.

Sleep Sack

This is the best thing ever! A MUST-HAVE for all new babies!

The Weekend

This weekend was full of nothing but FAMILY TIME! There is nothing better than seeing your family having a blast just being with each other and making great memories!

Greer found a new favorite place to nap!

Grace and Reagan decided they needed to take their baby shopping! They are very good mommy's in training.

Daddy and Grace had some one-on-one reading time. Reagan was napping. Grace has deemed herself big enough to NOT need a nap!

Daddy is still young enough to need a nap! Reagan loved napping with daddy in the new chair. The flash woke her up.

Our "Normal"

Wow, how things have changed now that we have three girls!

Troubling Threes - Check

Terrible Twos- Check

Brand New - Check

But I would not change anything for the world ---well I could do without as many tantrums! lol

For real, I could not imagine my life or family a bit different. I love each of the girls personalities and the fact that I have the most amazing husband in the world.

To say it in the most simple terms - God has truly blessed Me!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Madison Greer


Prefect Pair


Brett had some business to do in Jackson, TN a few weeks ago and I was nowhere near ready to spend the weekend alone with all three girls. We decided to make our first road trip. Of course I look for any chance to get back home.

Once in Memphis, we had visitors coming. I loved it! I miss being so close to my family. I have always been close to my cousins and I would love for my girls to be that close with theirs, but it is hard to do being 3 hours away.

Rachel was a huge hit with the older girls they loved her visit. It did not hurt that she brought her new dog. We all know that is the way to win Reagan over. Reagan is an animal lover! Soon Morgan, Ben, and Reagan's Godmother (also known as Aunt Teresa) came over. Of course Aunt Teresa had to egg on the older two girls. She was telling them that they could change diapers, hold Greer, or whatever else they wanted. I can only imagine what she will do to Morgan's children!

After all the visits it was time for the girls to play. One of the things they love most about my parents house is playing outside! It never fails, if there is nice weather, the only way to get the girls in is with tears! I think they would live outside, with Granddaddy of course!

As soon as Brett and my Dad left for Jackson my mom had one mission...she wanted a picture of all five of her grandchildren. Emory, my SIL, called and we set up a play date. Mom was beside herself.. She was like a kid in the candy store! ha ha

My mom called my grandparents to let them know we would be in town and I would love for them to visit and see their last Great-grandchild. I was so excited for them to meet. I can truly say that I am still the biggest Granddaddy's girl at the age of 28. And I look in amazement at my Mimi and try my hardest to soak in her wisdom as a mother, sister, teacher, wife, and child of God.
We had dinner with Brett's parents. Poor Kiki was not able to eat until after everyone else had eaten. The girls ate pretty fast and then demanded that Kiki play with them. She could not say no so off they went. The girls had a blast, of course they always do with Grandy and Kiki. Thanks to Grandy the girls dinner was mainly m&m's and smarty's! I still have great memories of my "dinners" when I was at my grandparent's house and let me just say it was not much different! (Sorry no pictures)

Monday, February 28, 2011

She's HERE!

Introducing Madison Greer!

(Note: the side of my face that was not moving. I can only imagine what I looked like after the reaction to the medicine!)

I am very excited to say our family is finally complete. Greer arrived Monday, February 21, 2011 at 9:55 am. Believe it or not I made it to my scheduled c-section. Greer weighed 6 pounds 15 ounces! Everything was going great during the c-section. Brett and I were talking like nothing was going on. Greer arrived in style screaming her head off which continued until she was nicely covered and handed to daddy!

However, we were still in for a huge surprise! In order to cut down on the risk of an infection after the c-section, I was given a medicine I had never had before. Surprise, I was extremely allergic to the medicine. Seconds after receiving a "test" dose, I had a metal taste in my mouth and my inner ears were itching. Moments later I could barely breath. By the time I was in the recovery room I could not talk. Needless to say I was beyond scared! I was so glad to heard the words, "let's put in a breathing tube." I do not remember much after that until waking up in the ICU that night.

Brett loves to retell the story of my pinching the ICU nurse, but I cannot say if this happened or not. I do have to thank Brett for no ICU pictures. (Yes, I heard someone wanted to take a picture or my head 4 times its normal size! This person will remain nameless on the blog!)

Both Mommy and Baby were doing great by the second day and we got to come home on schedule!

Grace and Reagan got to come to the hospital on the second day. They were so excited to see their Madison Greer. They both wanted to hold her as soon as she came into the room! They are GREAT big sisters and wonderful helpers! I hope it lasts!